My first english conversation in weeks! I was daring myself to enter the glisteny turquoise water when on my way in were some british children half submerged. I questioned them about the ominous black patches near by to which they replied, in their proper accents: 'it's only a miniature kelp forest' This was a Pandora's box for their adorable babble, after sometime and much to my surprise I came to find that they were highly informed about the sea... yet soon after they had enchantingly inflated my imagination with all the childish rants about pirates, parrot fish and undersea islands filled with music treasure, not gold, but music! their father came along and dropped the anvil, all of this was a recitation from a television show and we were only on episode 3 out of 100, they've seen them all....
serve love not replacements
I'm not meaning that there is no love in a family unit that sets their child in front of a screen every now and again but when you understand how much of a sponge a tiny, developing mind is the closest influence should be the ones just near. Mom and pop could craft tales of the sea and maybe even ask for some 5 year old assistance to fill in the blanks with their own cerebral creativity, through pictures or on going story telling with the ever so addicting cliffhanger. Life should be an interaction, not a reaction, the constant strive for entertainment supplements is a pirate to the magic that we all have the ability to create.